We are gearing up for massive protest rallies and demonstrations, both on a local level and California statewide level next week.

On Thursday, March 4th: our local community colleges, state colleges and universities (see flyer above) in San Diego are holding individual teach-ins and speeches ( by chancellors, campus presidents, AFT[American Federation of Teachers] and CFT [California Federation of Teachers] Vice-Presidents and Presidents, faculty and students) throughout the entire day then, at 3:30 PM all the aforementioned are meeting at the Centro Cultural de la Raza in Balboa Park for another rally and speeches and concluding with a protest march to the Governor's Office in San Diego. Each city will do something akin to the aforementioned - campus activities and marching to the Governor's Office in their respective city after the campuswide activities.
The next day, March 5th, activists from the aforementioned will meet at 6 AM to bus caravan from San Diego to Los Angeles to Bakersfield for the activities in the flyers below.

I'll do an updated post after the 4th and 5th activities are completed.
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